Thursday, April 30, 2009

April Update...

Well... It has been a really long time since I have posted on the blog. I guess that is because we have been very busy. Nick finished up playing soccer at Strikers, and he won the championship. Zach has been busy helping a friend of his with the Pro Challenge car and also he may be starting to work a part-time job. I have been very busy at Curves and also with some other miscellaneous work. We have been remodeling our bathroom which has been a major project, thank goodness it is almost finished. But through all of that... we were able to "get away" and go to the Jimmy Buffet concert with our "bestest friends" Jeremy & Jennell and Mike & Debbie. We really had a GREAT TIME!!! Tonight we went to Nick's Science Fair and he and his friend Chase, recieved 3rd place for their project, which was GREAT considering the number of entries. Way to go Chase and Nick! We are proud of you! I will try to not take so long before I post again... especially since I am now connecting my BLOG to my facebook. (I am still really new to the facebook deal). But I am enjoying "chating" with "old friends". Until Next Time.... :)