Friday, January 30, 2009


Well... Practice went well so so today at Lowes. The trailing arm broke on Zach's car and they spent most of the afternoon fixing it. I guess it was much better for it to break today rather than tomorrow because he would have had to miss the race if it happened tomorrow. After they fixed the car, both boys were the quickest in their classes at practice today. (seems like we can always "WIN" PRACTICE but we have had BAD LUCK when it comes to the races. Hopefully our luck will change tomorrow. Nick WON the FIRST race of the WInter Heat... It sure would be GREAT for him to WIN the LAST. The last time that Zach broke a trailing arm in practice, he WON, so we have "HIGH HOPES"!!!! We will update our blog after the races tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Camie I am so happy that you've found a love for this blogging thing.
    It has been a great way for me to put my thoughts and feelings in front of me so that I can see how God is working through my life.
    Tell everyone I love them and I will look forward to following your blog, have fun!
